Ignalina District Tourism Information Center

Viktoras Paukštelis (piano) and Vladimir Tarasov (percussion). Baroque Tapestries I


Baroque tapestries are a musical event that combines baroque music and contemporary improvisation with the impressive Viktoras Paukštelis and jazz master Vladimir Tarasov.

Famous for their visual arts talents and constantly striving for an interdisciplinary relationship, both artists will look for a common denominator between two centuries-old styles of music. V. Paukštelis will play the Baroque "cloth", while V. Tarasov will surround it with improvisational elements - this way the acoustics of "Horseshoe" will be decorated with unexpected and recognizable musical baroque tapestries.

We invite you to this spectacular concert on December 21st!

Ticket prices for reservation: Blue sector - 30 €, Yellow sector - 45 €, Red sector - 60 €