Ignalina District Tourism Information Center

World War II massacre and burial site

Memory places

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According to the testimony of witnesses in 1941. At the end of June, 14 Soviet soldiers and 26 Soviet activists and communists were killed and buried near Lake Ilgis. 1941 from July 4th to 5th, about 30 more men and women were killed and buried here, most of them Jews. The perpetrators of the massacre are the white-collar workers of Ignalina. 1944 October month. those killed at Lake Ilgis were exhumed. Four graves were found and excavated, containing the bodies of 32 civilians and 25 soldiers.


Source: https://kvr.kpd.lt/#/static-heritage-detail/237694C0-8C7C-40E6-9A85-49B3640FAA39


