Ignalina District Tourism Information Center

Dūkštas Manor

Manors, Churches, Ethnographical Villages, Mills

Between the two lakes Parsvėtaitis and Persvėtas standing mansion was founded in 1862. Even now, you can admire the classicist manor house and the manor park of the irregular geometric plan.

Manor is in the village of Dūkšteliai (Old Dūkštas). State-protected architectural monument of national significance. 30 km from Ignalina, 3 km northwest of Dūkštas, in Gražutė Regional Park, between two lakes: Parsvėtaitis and Persvėtas. In the west manor approaches the Old Dūkštas mound. Dūkštas Manor was founded in 1862 and occupies 1.8 ha. The entire manor ensemble consists of outbuildings, a twin barn, wheeled - stables, a barn, a wooden workers house and the palace itself.

The manor was mentioned in the 16th century as Giedraičiai property. In the 1st book of  Lithuanian Metrics there is a record that in 1567 September 29 Dūktas manor belongs to Zofija Devaltauskienė (Deltuvienė), widow of Stanislovas Devaltauskas. She married to Užventis and Infantal writer Vaitiekus Stabrovskis. Therefore the manor was later passed on to Stabrovskis. 1573 The manor was bought and ruled by Rudamina until 1813, when the owners became Beganskiai. The remaining palace was began to build by Rudamina, and finished by Beganskiai. Later the owners became Daugėlos.
XIX century Jonas Rustemas, Professor of Vilnius University, lived in the manor in the first half of the year. He died here, buried in the manor's cemetery, in the churchyard of the former church. Tomas Zanas, a creator, poet and geologist of the Philomat Society, often visited the manor, with his friend Adomas Mickevičius (named after the park's linden alley). 1901 Teresa Daugėlaitė, the daughter of Kazimieras Daugėla, who was the owner of the manor at that time, married Tomas Zanas (junior). For Zanams Manor belonged till the World War II. Manor was rich of collection of archaeological finds and antiquities.
In 1939-1944 the Lower Agricultural School was located in the manor.

The mansion area is open for visiting, and in order to explore the interior, it is necessary to contact the phone number in provided.


  • Lo

    Tiksliu apsilankymo datą - 2024-09-10:)

  • Lo

    Nuostabus dvaras. Puikiai sutvarkytas. Manau, kad šeimininkai dar ne viską įgyvendino, bet tai tik laiko klausimas. Šiandien (2025-09-10) teko lankytis. Nurodytu telefonu pasiskambinus ir sutarus, mums buvo leista apžiūrėti teritoriją. Dėkojame už galimybę apžiūrėti nuostabaus grožio dvarą. Sėkmės Jums

  • Gr

    Atvykus išvaro. Neleidžia net apeit.

  • no

    Kodėl prie įėjimo parašyta privati teritorija?

  • Da

    Neadekvatūs dvaro prižūrėtojai.

  • Ra

    Pritariu ir aš dėl nemalonios rusakalbes moters. Dvaro teritorija 10 balų.

  • Vi

    Pritariu ankstciau parasytam komentarui. Niekas neleidziau vakscioti po teritorija. Agresyvus zmones buve jame uzsipuole, kad cia privati teritorija.

  • La

    Tinklapyje rašoma, kad dvaro teritorija atvirai lankoma, tačiau atvykus pasivaikščioti pasitinka nemaloniai nusiteikusi rusakalbė moteris, kuri pakeltu tonu pasako: "nėra čia ką žiūrėti". Nors teritorija graži ir smagu pasivaikščioti aplinkui, tačiau nemalonus personalas gali sugadinti savaitgalio nuotaikas.